Legal notice –

Legal notice – Conditions of use of the medical information website

Description of the site

You are at present connected to the website. All the data and present information on the site are left at the disposal of the public by EVOLUTIS, SAS with a capital of 1,043,320 € – R.C.S Roanne 423 551 647. The user by having access to this site makes a commitment to conform to the present conditions of use.

Editorial director
Philippe Henin, Marketing Manager of the company EVOLUTIS

Publisher of the site
Evolutis, avenue de la liberation, 42720 Briennon, France.
Phone: +33 4 77 60 79 99 – fax: +33 4 77 60 79 90 – email:


This whole site is subject to the French legislation on the copyrights and the intellectual property. All the reproduction rights are reserved including the downloadable documents and the iconographic and photographic representations as well as the video sequences. Any reproduction or complete or partial representation, whatever the process, of the contents of the site, made without the prior authorization of EVOLUTIS is illicit and constitutes a violation. The brands and the logos appearing on this site are registered trademarks by EVOLUTIS or its subsidiaries or deposited jointly or used by grant of license. The use or the misuse of these brands or any other contents of this site, without the preliminary and written consent  of the owner of the brand is strictly forbidden. Any use of information resulting from the site necessarily has to mention the source of the information. The address of the site of EVOLUTIS necessarily has to appear in the reference.


The web pages of the site can contain hypertext links sending back towards other web sites managed by different companies and on which EVOLUTIS exercises no kind of control. EVOLUTIS accepts no liability as for the contents of these third parties sites or for the contents towards which these third parties sites can send back. The creation of hypertext links towards the site is submitted to the preliminary agreement of EVOLUTIS.

EVOLUTIS could not be kept responsible for elements that it would not have introduced himself and which would result from tactless outside actions. Although a particular care was brought to the realization of the contents of this site, it cannot be excluded that any error be left the contents.
The EVOLUTIS company is free to modify the present general conditions of use at any time. The last version of the general conditions of use is applicable upon the users.

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